
The Statistics I and Statistics II courses consist of lectures, theoretical tutorials and computer tutorials. The aim of the courses is to convey foundational methodological knowledge for data analytics and statistical problems.

The courses are held in turn by the following chairs:

The present website provides information on the content of the lectures and other general regulations. Lecture materials are available on ILIAS. For more information on how the statistics courses are integrated into the study program, please refer to the module handbook.

During the summer term 2024, the chair for Analytics and Statistics is responsible for the lecture.

Important notice: You will receive personal notifications only through your KIT-Email adress (uxxxx@student.kit.edu); please ensure to check it regularly (e.g. via https://owa.kit.edu/).

Open Positions for Tutors (Statistics II)

We are currently hiring tutors for the lecture Statistics II in the upcoming winter semester (2024/25). Further information on the application process can be found here (in German).